September 15 - Not by Bread Alone (An Invitation to Embrace Non-Material Riches). Lesley Peterson, Service Leader. Andrea Joy, Worship Associate. *Please join us for a Potluck after service
September 22 -Mabon (An Invitation to Learn About CUUPS). Rev. Sue Gabrielson and CUUPS, Service Leader. Andrea Joy, Lesley Peterson, and CUUPS, Worship Associates.
September 29 - UU Climate Justice Revival. Rev. Sue Gabrielson, Service Leader. Andrea Joy, Worship Associate.
UUCFM - Unique Event
Sometimes Saturdays Workshops with Rev. Sue
*Please note date change - the first meeting will take place on September 28.
September 28, October 12, and November 16.
September 28 - 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. -Creating Your Own Spiritual Autobiography - Hobart Hall. How have you come to believe (or know) what you know. Find out as we reflect our individual spiritual paths. This is an in-person workshop. Please bring your own lunch.
Sharing Partner for September
The Q (Quality Life Center)
The Quality Life Center strives to create a brighter future for both individuals and communities. Through a blend of academic enrichment, performing arts, leadership development and cultural awareness, they empower young people and underserved communities to unlock their full potential and thrive in a world of possibilities.
UUCFM - Ongoing Events
September 9 - Book Group. 1:00 p.m. Zoom.
September 9 - Meditation Group, 6:30 p.m. Zoom.
*Please note there will be no Music Rehearsal on September 4 and September 18.
September 11 - Music Rehearsal. 5:30 p.m. Classroom 3. 5:30 p.m. for Instrumentalists, 6:00 p.m. for singers. All are welcome. Contact Jon at for more information.
September 15 - Potluck, following Sunday Service. Hobart Hall. Please join us for Potluck. If you are able, please bring a dish to share.
1832 – Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson submitted his letter of resignation to the proprietors of the Second Church in Boston (Unitarian) due to his unwillingness to serve communion. He decided to seek a new profession. Read a short biography of Emerson, or view an exhibit about Emerson from the 2003 Bicentennial of Emerson’s birth.
Read more at: - the digital library of Unitarian Universalism.
Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist
Max, parrot pet of Harvey and Ann Heckes
“It is great that Unitarian Universalists respect the interdependent web of all existence of which I am a part! I hope I can attend more Blessing of the Animals services in the future.”