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We’re starting the New Year by “Taking a Stand” for Environmental & Social Justice in Florida. 


UUCFM, with our commitment to social and environmental justice, and the SWFL RESET Center, along with the Florida Rights of Nature (FRONN), of SWFL, and the (FRTCW) are proud to co-sponsor a Town Hall Meeting on January 11, right here in Hobart Hall, from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. 


The gathering will focus on the showing of the explosive documentary film “PhosFate” that exposes the horrific environmental impacts of industrial phosphate mining of Florida’s waters and ecosystems. In attendance will be environmental cancer survivor and filmmaker Eric E. Crown who, with the help of local activists, researched these impacts and the State of Florida’s failed stewardship in addressing these issues. Eric’s compelling story of global activism is inspiring, and one not to be missed.