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Christian, Buddhist, Humanist, Earth-Centered... we all come together as one.
We enjoy having fun, such as at this Bardic Yule feast hosted by CUUPS.
The Humanist Group meets to share presentations on topics of interest.


... not just about caring for the present, but investing in the future.              

We live in and by our web of loves and relationships, each lending support and strength to the other. The image of stewardship draws together the many threads of this web: the earth upon which we live, the elements of community we value, and the institutions that forward our values and provide services we think are important. Stewards are caretakers with a forward vision. They hold something in trust. They ensure that it will be there in the future for the benefit of others. Successful stewards not only protect, but help something to improve and grow. Their actions are empowering. This is true regardless of whether we are stewards of the earth, institutions, people, or our Unitarian Universalist faith community.

Stewardship takes place at the intersection of our spirituality and our ethics. We both celebrate life and accept the responsibility to love and care for the gifts of life. Stewardship is about taking care of something we value and enabling it to grow. When we become stewards, we take responsibility and contribute our time, talent and treasure.  Stewardship undergirds everything that a faith community does and calls us into deeper connection with each other.

We know that stewardship encompasses much more than financial contributions:

  • Taking care of the congregation's building or grounds
  • Working on cleaning up the neighborhood
  • Supporting community services
  • Serving as a trustee on foundations
  • Working as a volunteer to better the community
  • Serving as a board or committee member in the congregations
  • Work for social justice
  • Support music and arts groups
  • Speak up at community forums

For Unitarian Universalists, the stewardship financial pledge is a celebration of the fact that the congregation is supported and governed by the members; it is a voluntary act of commitment. It is also a privilege. Participating in our annual generosity campaign signals a shared commitment to the work of the congregation. For us at UUCFM we are transitioning and evolving our stewardship program to better meet the needs of our members as well as the financial needs of the congregation.  We expect every member to give both time and financial contributions to the congregation and its programs. We ask that, when you renew your commitment,  you consider a cost-of-living adjustment each year. Our Stewardship Committee will contact members explaining ways they can express their generosity.

We understand that many of our members have busy lives, filled with urgent demands on their time. We have an on-line pledge form that’s a convenient confidential way for members to pledge/renew their Stewardship Commitment to our faith community. Please take a few moments to complete the form here and to add your comments and feedback in the space provided.

Thank You! for the continuing support you bring to UUCFM, at any level, and for being a unique source of light in our bright future. Any questions? Call 239.561.2700 or email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

May we know once again that we are not isolated beings but connected in mystery and miracle, to the universe, to this community and to each other." ~ Singing the Living Tradition


Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist

Bill Petrarca
"Having an open and loving community is important to me. Our faith is way ahead of its time, with the values we honor: Love, grow, serve."

Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist

Suzanne Ziemer
"Of course, we’re members of all sorts of other groups, both formal and informal, but this church is our mental, spiritual, and social home."