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Come lift up your voice.
We offer virtual services to keep us safe during this time of pandemic
And yes, there will be music!
Come hear messages that provoke thought, give hope, and encourage compassion and inclusiveness.
And remember to join us for coffee hour so that we can get to know you!

What to Expect

What style of service is it?

Our Sunday Morning Service is a time for letting your guard down, for comfort, for challenge, for compassion, for gratitude. Worship is a time to re-center around that which is of ultimate worth, whether that is to commune with the divine, to be reminded of one's sacred values, or to refocus on the human power to make good choices.

Oh, by the way, the word "worship" emphasizes the importance of your own articulation of the sacred. Its meaning derives from the old English terms, woerth + scipe, meaning "to consider things worthy." Yes, the word "Worship" encompasses a full range of philosophies and theologies. A typical service includes thoughtful readings, musical performances, singing together and a sermon by our minister. Our services are respectful of our Christian and Jewish heritage, but also cherish the inclusion of eastern, earth-centered and humanist traditions. Every Sunday after the service, we gather for coffee and snacks with good friends in Hobart Social Hall. Childcare is provided until 12pm on Sundays. Won't you join us?

What kinds of things should I expect to hear from the pulpit?

Our minister and others in our pulpit celebrate our diversity of theology, as well as our common values and principles. You won't hear talk about creeds or doctrines. Instead you'll hear messages that provoke thought, give hope, and encourage compassion and inclusiveness. You'll hear that personal experience, conscience and reason should be the final authorities in religion, and that religious authority lies not in a book or person or institution, but in ourselves.

What should I wear?

Dress however you're most comfortable.

Where do I go when I arrive?

Park in either our west or east parking lots and proceed to the William Miller Sanctuary; follow the signs. Enter through the center doors. Look for our Greeters in the Narthex (lobby). They'll welcome you, give you materials, provide a visitor nametag (if you want to wear one) and usher you into the Sanctuary. You may sit wherever you would feel comfortable to enjoy the Service. Plan to get there about 10 minutes early.

Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist

Bill Petrarca
"Having an open and loving community is important to me. Our faith is way ahead of its time, with the values we honor: Love, grow, serve."

Testimonials From Members - Why I Became A Unitarian Universalist

Antoinette Brown Blackwell (1825-1921), Unitarian minister.
“Throughout my life, I have addressed issues such as slavery abolition, temperance, and women's rights. In 1902, I helped found the Unitarian Society of Elizabeth, NJ, and served as its minister. In 1920, at age 95, I was the only participant from the 1850 Women's Rights Convention, in Worcester, MA, to see the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, giving women the right to vote.”