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Worship Service - May 27, 2022

Welcome to the May 27, 2022 Worship Service

Here you will find visual pieces to this morning's worship service. When the audio stream for the service begins at approximately 10:25am, you will be able to listen to it at The stream will open in a new tab in your browser. Click the browser tab for this page to come back to view visuals while the audio plays.

You may also access the service via Zoom at

You may follow along with the service with this Order of Worship. An online donation button is at the bottom of this page for contributing to the morning offering. Additionally, the words for our covenant and the lyrics for the hymns are provided on this page below the photos. Please join us in singing along! Even though you are not here in body with us, we know that you are with us in spirit. We are glad that you are here!


Albie Johnson, Lay Minister
Alanis Garcia, Worship Associate

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Gathering Music

Peter Golbitz, guitar
Jeff Letts, organ


Alberita Johnson, Lay Minister

Chalice Lighting

"May We Be Keepers of Thy Flame" By Richard S. Gilbert

Alanis Garcia

Call to Worship

"Let Beauty In" - Rev. Rebekah Savage
Alanis Garcia


Love is the spirit of this congregation
And service its law
This is our great covenant
To dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love
And to help one another
~ James Vila Blake

Opening Hymn

#207 - Earth Was Given As A Garden
Vocalist, Kathleen Peace
Suellen Kipp, Piano
UUCFM Musicians

Earth was given as a garden, cradle for humanity;
tree of life and tree of knowledge placed for our discovery.
Here was home for all your creatures born of land and sky and sea;
all created in your image, all to live in harmony.

Show to us again the garden where all life flows fresh and free.
Gently guide your sons and daughters into full maturity.
Teach us how to trust each other, how to use for good our power,
how to touch the earth with rev’rence. Then once more will Eden flower.

Bless the earth and all your children, one creation: make us whole,
interwoven, all connected, planet wide and inmost soul.
Holy mother, life bestowing, bid our waste and warfare cease.
Fill us all with grace o’erflowing. Teach us how to live in peace.

Story For All Ages

Karen Brown

Peter Golbitz, guitar

(After you add yours, the counter will record it.
Please know that you are doing this in community.
Feel free to come back to this page later and see how many online stones joined with yours.)

May your prayers be heard and your hearts be restored


Alberita Johnson


Hymn #352 - Find A Stillness
Mark Brandon, Vocalist
UUCFM Musicians

Find a stillness, hold a stillness, let the stillness carry me.
Find the silence, hold the silence, let the silence carry me.
In the spirit, by the spirit, with the spirit giving power,
I will find true harmony.

Seek the essence, hold the essence, let the essence carry me.
Let me flower, help me flower, watch me flower, carry me.
In the spirit, by the spirit, with the spirit giving power,
I will find true harmony.


"Beauty and You"
Alberita Johnson

 Hymn #301  Touch the Earth, Reach the Sky!
Mark Brandon, Vocalist
UUCFM Musicians

Touch the earth, reach the sky!
Walk on shores while spirits fly
over the ocean, over the land,
our faith a quest to understand.

Touch the earth, reach the sky!
Children ask the reasons why.
In our lives the answers show,
and by our love they learn and grow.

Touch the earth, reach the sky!
All are born and all shall die;
life’s the time left in between,
to follow a star, to build a dream.

Touch the earth, reach the sky!
Hug the laughter, feel the cry.
May we see where we can give,
for this is what it means to live.

Touch the earth, reach the sky!
Soar with courage ever high;
spirits joining as we fly,
to touch the earth, to reach the sky.

Online Morning Offering

Alanis Garcia

Community Sharing Partner:

One of the ways we live our spiritual values in the world is by making them real through the form of financial contribution.  We invite you to enliven your commitment to this community and be generous in giving to support the work of this Congregation during this challenging time.
Every month we also donate funds to a community organization in Lee County.Our Community Sharing Partner this month is The Alliance for Fair Food.
The Alliance for Fair Food (AFF) is the vibrant, diverse ally network of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), the internationally-acclaimed farmworker organization transforming human rights in the U.S. agricultural industry. The principal focus of the Alliance for Fair Food is the Campaign for Fair Food, a farmworker-led, community-powered movement that successfully holds major food retailers accountable to the highest human rights standards in their produce supply chains.

Please give generously. Thank you!

If you would like to make an online donation to UUCFM or pay your church pledge virtually, please click the yellow Donate below -- which takes you to our PayPal account. Please make a note in the space provided by PayPal to indicate whether your contribution is for UUCFM, our community sharing partner, or goes towards your pledge. Thank you.

 Extinguishing the Chalice

Alanis Garcia

Words by Elizabeth Selle Jones

We extinguish this flame but not the light of truth,
the warmth of community or the fire of commitment.
These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.


"May Our Lives" By Chris Rothbauer
Alberita Johnson

Closing Words

Alanis Garcia


Reprise - Earth Was Given As a Garden
Mark Brandon, vocalist
UUCFM Musicians

Thank you to today's participants:      

Worship Team
Lay Minister, Alberita Johnson
Worship Associate, Alanis Garcia
Acting DRE, VP Programs, Karen Brown

Music Team
Peter Golbitz, Music Committee Chair, Guitar
Lesley Peterson, VP Worship, Violin
Mark Brandon, Vocalist
Jeff Letts, Organ

Tech Team
Walter Peterson
Mark Brandon
Allie Carville
Evan Carville
Lesley Peterson

UU Dialogues
Bill Petrarca
Albie Johnson

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